Hansen Senior Slideshow 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's school picture time!

It's that time of year again....school picture time! If you are a Taylor Middle High student, you've already taken yours a couple of weeks ago. And Pine Ridge High students had their yearbook photos take this week (hopefully you came to the auditorium to get them taken!). We enjoyed seeing all of you in there! Trinity Christian Academy is next. If you are a student at TCA, don't forget to wear your best outfit, best hair-do and best smile on Tuesday, September 29! As for all of you 2010 seniors, if you haven't gotten in to at least take your formal photos for the yearbook...STOP READING THIS AND CALL TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW: (386) 774-8100. If you've already taken them and still need to pick out your yearbook photo, the same thing applies to you! If after the deadline you have still not picked out the photo that YOU want to go in the yearbook, our lovely staff members here at Hansen Fine Portraits will personally pick out your yearbook photo ourselves...and we really don't want to have to do that. So come get that done NOW! :)

To our senior families:
Keep careful watch in your mail box for our family special. You should be receiving it in the next few weeks.

As far as reminders, I believe that's all I got for now.
If you see any of us (mainly David, Jeramey or myself) out at a football game or other sporting event, feel free to come up and say hi! We love to talk to you guys!

HAPPY AUTUMN! It's time for Florida to start cooling off. :)

Say cheese!

"A few days ago I walked along the edge of the lake and was treated to the crunch and rustle of leaves with each step I made. The acoustics of this season are different and all sounds, no matter how hushed, are as crisp as autumn air."- Eric Sloane