Hansen Senior Slideshow 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009


Welcome to Hansen Fine Portraits' new blog!
First of all, let me introduce myself:
I'm Angela! I will be the official blogger here at the HFP.
I am currently going to the Southeast School for Photographic Studies (otherwise known as the wonderful Daytona State College) and will be receiving an Associate of Science degree in May of 2009! Very exciting. I am a photo retoucher, photographer and have recently been put in charge of most of our marketing ideas. I work with some pretty amazing people. David, Shannon, Haley, Brenda and Jeramey are probably the best co-workers a girl could have.
(By the way, you can reach all of us at
our first name@hansenfineportraits.com! Cool, huh?)

We are extremely excited to announce all the new things going on at our studio! We have been brainstorming for quite a while now about new products, new services and some new SPECIALS that will appeal to all of our customers. And personally, I think we have come up with some pretty awesome stuff. You guys seriously won't want to miss out!

So for right now, head on over to our BRAND NEW! website (http://www.hansenfineportraits.com/) and look around. If you have any questions/suggestions, please email me or one of my fabulous co-workers. We'll be more than happy to listen to what you have to say.

Thanks for checking out our blog!

Your Official HFP blogger,

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