Hansen Senior Slideshow 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Time flies when you're busy!

Hello again ladies and gents! It's been quite a while since I last blogged. The staff here at HFP has had quite a few busy weekends lately. We shot all 27 DeBary Little League teams one Saturday (a very long day in the sun! talk about starting off your spring break with a farmer's tan. haha.) and then we shot all the ballerina's at the rehearsal of Dance P.A.D.'s production of Cinderella this past Saturday! The costumes were all so beautiful! And this Saturday we are off to another baseball adventure. Anyway...

Note to the Class of 2009!
Seniors! If you have not already gotten graduation announcements, do NOT put it off any longer. If you have had your senior pictures taken here at our studio, you should've gotten some information on our graduation announcement special. Please take advantage of that! For one thing, they come with all your favorite photos on it (which means that your announcement is DIFFERENT than anyone elses!) and we have four AWESOME templates to choose from (not just ONE design for every senior like the company you have to buy them from). The price on those is going up soon...so fill out that form and get it in our hands as soon as possible!

Note to the Class of 2010!
Start thinking about when you can come in for your senior pictures. Figure out when family vacation is and pencil in a possible date to take those once-in-a-lifetime photos at Hansen Fine Portraits! Make sure you get in EARLY. We will be releasing a one-day sale date that you will get 50% OFF A SESSION OF YOUR CHOICE. The earlier you come in the summer, the better. Once the 2009-10 school year rolls around, time will be VERY SHORT for you to get in. Also, start picking out those perfect outfits, props and hairstyles. You'll want to look your best...because these will forever be your senior pictures.

Now, for the exciting part: NEW SPECIALTY ITEMS! We now offer a wide variety of products that are NEW this year. Personalized lisence plates (with your photo and name on it-COOL!), coffee mugs-with your mug on it (for those avid coffee-drinking parents of yours), Art Series Composites (a multi-image collage- similar to what we were doing...but better!), key chains, mouse pads, photo magnets (for your fridge or locker!) and....the product we are all most excited about: our RE-VAMPED SENIOR SLIDE SHOW! Here is a slideshow that we have created of some of our favorite senior sessions of this past year for your viewing pleasure(don't forget to turn on those speakers!):

Now, you CANNOT tell me that wasn't completely the coolest thing you've ever seen! We are offering senior slideshows just like the one you just watched (with YOUR photos of course). Who wouldn't want one of those to play at your grad party? :)
If you saw yourself in our senior slideshow, please email me at Angela@HansenFinePortraits.com and we will feature you in our Featured Gallery section and you can totally tell all your friends! Please share this blog with all your friends and family. Eventually we might have some "hansen blog reader specials". ;) don't take my word on that...but I'll push for it.

So you want to make sure you check back often for more updates from your official HFP blogger!

Until next time,

"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." -T.E. Lawrence